Isac Lemoine
Blev högst 57 år.
Född: | | 1666 Avesta, Dalarna | | * 1666 (approximately), Avesta, Dalarna (W) † 1723-05-03, Garpenberg, Dalarna (W) |
Död: | | 1723-05-03 Garpenberg, Dalarna | | † 1723-05-03, Garpenberg, Dalarna (W) |
Familj med Clara Jakobsdotter Moell (1675 - 1751)
Noteringar |
908. Isac (Isaac) Lemoine * 1666 (approximately), Avesta, Dalarna (W) † 1723-05-03, Garpenberg, Dalarna (W) H: Isac (Isaac) Lemoine was a bruksbokhållare (mill accountant) from 1698 at Garpenbergs bruk (factory mill) in Garpenberg, Dalarna (W). In 1700-1721 he lived at Garpenbergs bruk with his wife and children (Clara, Gustaf, Isaac, Elisabeth, Anna). Johannes Salander (his wife Sara Moell, probably Clara Moell’s sister, was registered there 1725-1729), who would become his brother-in-law, and his son Johan Lemoine (and Lars Kihlman, who could be his son) also lived at Garpenbergs bruk (S: Garpenberg HFL AI:2A 1700- 1706 [1700-1713] fol 1; Garpenberg HFL AI:2B 1707-1713 [1700-1713] fol 81; Garpenberg HFL AI:3A 1714-1721 [1714-1740] fol 1; Garpenberg HFL AI:3B 1722-1729 [1714-1740] fol 161). From 1722 he was registered as an inspector (roughly, manager) at Garpenbergs bruk (succeded first as bruksbokhållare and then inspector by Lars Kihlman, married to Justina Hejke), and as dead in 1723-05-03 (S: Garpenberg HFL AI:3B 1722-1729 [1714-1740], p.161). It has been suggested that he also was a myntskrivare (1720) in Garpenberg (S: Ulla Nordnestam, 2003). He was the oldest son of Baltzar Lemoine, born in Avesta, Dalarna (W). He accepted to pay his father’s debt to the congregation and to manage the church budget (S: Ulla Nordenstam, 2003). S: Garpenberg HFL AI:2A 1700-1706 (1700-1713) fol 1; Garpenberg HFL AI:2B 1707-1713 (1700-1713) fol 81; Garpenberg HFL AI:3A 1714-1721 (1714-1740) fol 1; Garpenberg HFL AI:3B 1722-1729 (1714-1740) fol 161; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1701; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1702; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1704; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1707; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1708; Ulla Nordenstam, 2003; Stefan Macklin, 1999 |