Clara Jakobsdotter Moell
Blev högst 76 år.
Född: | | 1675 By, Dalarna | | * 1675 (approximately), By, Dalarna (W) † 1751-01-31, Rättvik, Dalarna (W) |
Död: | | 1751-01-31 Rättvik, Dalarna | | † 1751-01-31, Rättvik, Dalarna (W) |
Familj med Isac Lemoine (1666 - 1723)
Noteringar |
909. Clara (Jakobsdotter) Moell * 1675 (approximately), By, Dalarna (W) † 1751-01-31, Rättvik, Dalarna (W) W: 1691-12-28, By, Dalarna (W) (S: Stefan Macklin, 1999) C: Clara Lemoine (*1696, approximately, Avesta, W); Gustaf Lemoine (*1697, Avesta, W, †1736, Eljaröd, Kristianstad, L, Skåne); Isaac Lemoine (*1707-06-05, Garpenberg, W; †1782-05-27, Dal, Y); Elisabeth Lemoine (*1700-11-21, Garpenberg, W, †1773-07, Kila, U, married Andreas Kalsenius, *1688-11-01, Söderbärke, W, †1750-12-24, biskop/bishop in Västerås, U, S: Ove Renger, 2004); Catharina Lemoine (*1704-04-14, Garpenberg, W); Anna Lemoine (*1711-05-20, Garpenberg, W). H: With Clara (Jakobsdotter) Moell starts the connections to the mine owner Svinhuvud and Stjärna families in Kopparberg, Dalarna (W). The last name Moell is a combination of the first syllables of her father’s last name (Mocklinius) and of her mother’s last name (Elvia) (S: Ulla Nordenstam, 2003). She and her husband bokhållare Lemoine were frequent dopvittnen (baptism witnesses) in Garpenberg. Based on the birth record for Garpenberg, and baptism witnesses, the Lemoine, Moell, Mallmyr families, länsman Petrin, and pastor Dan Westling (and family) were well acquainted, and apparently played an active social social role, in Garpenberg.127 In 1715-04- 10 Clara Lemoine (mother or daughter?) was a baptism witness with Isac Lemoine for länsmannen Zacharias Aronsson, and in 1715-10-23 for Israel Israelsson (and then also with a Gustaf Lemoine) (S: Garpenberg C:2 1688- 1732, 1715). Clara Moell died in 1751 at age seventy-five: “Saliga Inspektorn Isaac Lemoines Enke Hustru Clara Moell […], 75 år” (S: Rättvik FI:1 1743- 1774, 1751). S: Garpenberg HFL AI:2A 1700-1706 (1700-1713) fol 1; Garpenberg HFL AI:2B 1707-1713 (1700-1713) fol 81; Garpenberg HFL AI:3A 1714-1721 (1714-1740) fol 1; Garpenberg HFL AI:3B 1722-1729 (1714-1740) fol 161; Rättvik Dödbok FI:1 1743-1774, 1751; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688- 1732, 1700; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1707; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1701; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1702; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1703; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1704; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1708; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1711; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1715; Ulla Nordenstam, 2003; Stig Geber, 2003; Stefan Macklin, 1999Ulla Nordenstam: Clara Jacobsd.Moell f.1672 i By,Kopparberg.Död 1750 Gift med Inspektor Isaac Lemoine f 1666,Avesta. barn: Clara,Gustaf,Elisabeth,Isaac,Catharina,Anna,Johan( de tre sista dog som barn) |