Klara Persdotter Elvia

Blev högst 84 år.

Far: Petri Laurentii Sudermanni (1586 - 1657)
Mor: Anna Hansdotter (1600 - 1664)

Född: 1638 Älvdalen, Dalarna * 1638 (approximately), Älvdalen, Dalarna
Död: 1722-11-25 † 1722-11-25

Familj med Jacobus Nicolaus (Nicolai) Mocklinius (1635 - 1703)

Clara Jakobsdotter Moell (1675 - 1751)

1819. Klara Persdotter Elvia
* 1638 (approximately), Älvdalen, Dalarna (W)
† 1722-11-25
W: 1659-06-12
C: Clara Jakobsdotter Moell (*1672, approximately, By, W, †1750,
approximately, Garpenberg, W); Christina Moell? (probably married Dan
Westling, pastor in Garpenberg, W); Sara Moell? (probably married Petrin,
länsman in Garpenberg, W), Jacob? Moell?.
H: Among the baptism witnesses for their daughter Klara Jakobsdotter
Moell’s son Isaac Lemoine in 1707 in Garpenberg were Mag. J. Moell in By
(Dalarna, W) and his wife Magd. Brandberg, and Johan Pratenig in By
(Dalarna, W) and his wife Sara Moell (S: Garpenberg C:2 1688-1732, 1707).
They were probably children of Jacobus Nicolaus Mocklinius and Klara
Persdotter Elvia. From around 1699, a madam Christina Moell was a frequent
dopvittne (baptism witness) in Garpenberg, Dalarna (W) (S: Garpenberg C:2
1688-1732). She was, for example, a dopvittne for länsman (province officer)
Petrin 1701-12-28 when his son Bengts was baptized, and the other witnesses
were bokhållare Lemoine, his wife madam Clara Moell, and bokhållare Hans
Mallmyr (?) (S: Garpenberg C:2 1688-1732, 1701). Länsman Petrin was a
dopvittne for a certain OLof Matsson in Bratfors 1702-07-27, together with a
Sara, what appears to be a Jacob Moell, and a Margareta (?), who might be
his wife (S: Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1702).
S: Ulla Nordenstam, 2003; Garpenberg Födelsebok C:2 1688-1732, 1707

Ulla Nordenstam: Clara Persd Elvia f.1638 i Älvdalen .Död 25/11 1722.Gift 12/6 1659 med Jacobus Nicolai Mocklinius ,Kyrkoherde i By,Kopparberg f,22/7 1635 i Prästgården i Möklinta,Västmanland Död 28/3 1703.Grav på Kyrkogolvet .Far Kyrkoherden i Möklinta Nicolai Erici Lindemontanus f 1571 i Guldsmedshyttan,Lindesberg .Död 1653 29/3 i Möklinta. Gift m Kristina Henriksdotter f.1593 i Möklinta.Död 29/4 1656.

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