Lisbeth N.N.

Familj med Baltzar Lemoine (1620 - 1674)

Isac Lemoine (1666 - 1723)

1817. Lisbeth (Elisabeth) N.N.
C: Isac (Isaac) Lemoine (*1666, Avesta, W, †1723-05-03, Garpenberg, W);
Johan Lemoine; Nicolaus Lemoine; Anna Lemoine (*1673, Avesta, W,
†1751-07-07, buried, Norrhamar, married Peter Ekman 1700,
brukspatron/mill owner in Karmansbo, †1732); Margareta Lemoine (married
Johan Sahlander 1688, komminister [assistant vicar] in Avesta, W,
dopvittnen/baptism witnesses in 1703-12-18 with her brother Isac Lemoine
and his wife Clara Moell in Garpenberg, W); Elisabeth Lemoine (*1700,
approximately, married Andreas Kallsenius, bishop in Västerås, buried – and
with an epitafium/minnestavla on the wall – in Västerås domkyrka, they had
no children) (S: Ulla Nordenstam, 2004).
S: Ulla Nordenstam, 2003; Hed F:1 1751 (Annika Svensson, 2003);
Garpenberg C:2 1688-1732, 1703

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