Ciro Alegría

Blev högst 58 ĺr.

Far: José Alegría
Mor: Herminia Bazán Lynch

Född: 1909-11-04 Sartimbanba, in the Marańón River region, Peru 1) Enligt annan notering pĺ www : hacienda Quilca, Provincia de Sánchez Carrión, Departamento de La Libertad, Perú
Död: 1967 Lima Peru 

Familj med Ricardina Alegría Pachas

José Enrique Alegría Pachas (1953 - )

Känd författare i sydamerika. Även utgiven pĺ svenska - Guldormen.
Den ojämna kampen (Ljus förlag 1942):
Romanen skildrar en andinsk bys öde; kolonisatörer vill ĺt marken och tar till vapen mot bönderna.

Pĺ 30-talet växte det i de andinska länderna fram en rörelse av socialrealistiskt inriktade författare som tog litteraturen till hjälp för att synliggöra den förtryckta ursprungsbefolkningens villkor. De kallade sig för indigenistas och de främsta företrädarna för rörelsen var peruanen Ciro Alegría (1909–1967) och Jorge Icaza (1906–1978) frĺn Ecuador. Indigenistas hade sina föregĺngare bland nĺgra av det sena 1800-talets författare som behandlade samma tema, bl a en av de fĺ kvinnliga författarna vid denna tid, Clorina Matto de Turner frĺn Peru. Inställningen till den indianska urbefolkningen var vid 1800-talets slut kluven; den kunde inte negligeras men mĺnga författare valde att behandla indianerna som folkloristiska inslag i sina böcker.
Socialrealismen är en viktig strömning i Latinamerikas 1900-talslitteratur. Den var starkast under 30-, 40-, och 50-talet. Ett tema var de nordamerikanska företagens hänsynslösa framfart i bl a Centralame-rika. USAs benägenhet att stödja eller bana väg för brutala diktatorer blev föremĺl för kritiska romaner. Nobelpristagaren Miguel Angel Asturias frĺn Guatemala hörde till de författare som tog skönlitteraturen till hjälp för att synliggöra effekterna av USAs politik.

Ciro Alegría (1909-1967)

Peruvian journalist, politician and story-teller. Alegría is one of the best-known Spanish-American novelists of the 1940s and 1950s, who wrote about the lives of the Peruvian Indians. Alegría's international breakthrough novel was Broad and Alien Is the World (1941), which has been reprinted many times. In it Alegría saw that the Indians are not oppressed only by covetous landowners but also by "bad government":

"The authorities of this district are exploiters and are also unconditional instruments of the exploitation by the bosses. The rural districts are the small cells of our nation where the germs of evil are first incubated; I am sure that if in each of these diminutive communities we could manage to radically uproot the evil in all its extensions, we should manage to constitute a true democracy full of justice and liberty." (from Broad and Alien Is the World)

Ciro Alegría was born in Sartimbanba, in the Marańón River region, as the son of mestizo and Spanish-Irish parents, José Alegría and Herminia Bazán Lynch. His grandfather Diego (James) Lynch was said to have made and lost a fortune in mines. Alegría acquired a firsthand knowledge of Indian life in his native province of Huamachuco. The deep understanding of the oppressed people became the focus of all his later literary works.

Alegría's first grade teacher was the poet César Vallejo. He received secondary education at the National College of San Juan, in Trujillo. In the late 1920s he worked for a year as a reporter and then on construction and road-building projects. In 1930 he returned to the newspaper El Norte and attended classes at the University of Trujillo, without taking a degree.

In 1930 Alegría joined the Aprista movement, overtly a party dedicated to social and economic reform and to improving the lot of the Indian majority. He was twice jailed for political activity, once in the notorious penitentiary at Lima (El Sixto), and was exiled to Chile in 1934. He wrote short stories to a Buenos Aires newspaper and expanded one of his stories into a novel, LE SERPIENTE DE ORO (1935, The Golden Serpent). It was set among the river villagers of the Marańón, depicted their struggle for survival. The title refers to the river, as source of death and renewal. Alegría's second novel, LOS PERROS HAMBRIENTOS (1938) was set in northern Peru and revealed the difficulties of sheepherding Indians. According to Alegría, the white landowners were the cause of Peru's economic backwardness.

Alegría's major work, Broad and Alien Is the World, is a story of an Indian tribe struggling to survive in the Peruvian highlands. Alegría painted a view of a harmonious relationship between the land and the Indians, who are threatened by an avaricious rancher. Rosendo Maqui leads the peaceful commune, but he is powerless when the rancher uses the resources of law and state organization to gain control of the communal land. Rosendo is imprisoned and he dies after being beaten by the guards. His adopted son Benito Castro continues the struggle, but his efforts fail and the Indians are killed after troops are sent against the commune. "Where shall we go? Where"" asks Benito's wife at the end of the novel. "She does not know, and Benito has already died. Nearer, ever nearer, the explosion of the Mausers continues to resound." Politically Alegría saw the situation of the Indias similar to that of proletariat. The novel reflected the political programme of A.P.R.A. (Alianza popular revolucionaria americana), a left-wing nationalist party, which advocated an alliance between intellectuals and workers. The novel originated from a deleted episode in his novel Los perros hambrientos. The manuscript won a contest sponsored by the Pan-American Union and was published in the United States and England and translated into many languages.

From 1941 to 1948 Alegría lived in New York. He taught later at the University of Puerto Rico and wrote in Cuba of the Cuban revolution. In 1957 he returned to Peru, where he joined President Belaúnde Terry's Acción Popular party and was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1963. He died suddenly at the age of fifty-seven, in Trujillo on February 17, 1967. Alegría was married three times. Alegría's widow collected and published many of the author's essays and tales that he wrote for newspapers.

Alegría was among the pioneer writers who made transition from European traditions toward new confidence, which was first seen in the work of Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (1839-1908), the Brazilian mulatto who wrote Epitaph of a Small Winner (1880) and Don Casmurro. By the 1930s a regional literary movement wholly of its time and place began to flourish. From Venezuela emerged Rómulo Gallegos (1909-1967), who portrayed the hard life of hinterland in Dońa Bárbara (1929) and Canaima (1935), from Brazil Graciliano Ramos (Barren Lives, 1938), and later Joăo Guiarăes Rosa (The Devil to Pay in the Backlands, 1956). - Enrique López Albújar's (1872-1966) Andean tales (1920) appear to have influenced Alegría's Broad and Alien is the World, an account of the destruction of the traditional Indian community by the expansion of the latifundia system.

For further reading: The Golden Land, ed. by H. de Onís (1948); Ciro Alegría by F. Bumpas (1962); The Modern Short Story in Peru by E.M. Aldrich Jr (1966); An Introduction to Spanish-American Literature by Jean Franco (1969); A New History of Spanish American Fiction, vol. 2 by K. Schwartz (1972); Joy in Exile by E. Early (1980); Spanish American Authors by A. Flores (1992); World Authors 1900-1950, ed. by Martin Seymour-Smith and Andrew C. Kimmens (1996, vol. 1)

Selected bibliography:

* La serpiente de oro, 1935 - The Golden Serpent
* Los perros hambrientos, 1938
* El mundo es ancho y ajeno, 1941 - Broad and Alien Is the World
* Duelo de cabalerros, 1963
* Novelas completas, 1963 - (e. by A. del Hoyo)
* Novelas completas, 1963
* Historiade la novela hispanoam, 1966
* Mucha suerte con harto palo, 1967
* Panki y el guerro, 1968
* Sueńo y verdad de América, 1969
* Gabriela Mistral íntima, 1969
* La ofrenda de piedra, 1969
* Lázaro, 1973
* La revolución cubana, 1973
* El sol de los jaguares, 1979
* Relatos, 1983

 1) www
Ciro Alegría

Ciro Alegría nació en la hacienda Quilca, Provincia de Sánchez Carrión, Departamento de La Libertad, Perú el 4 de noviembre de 1909 y realizó sus primeros estudios en Cajamarca y en la Universidad nacional de la ciudad de Trujillo, cerca de la costa. Fue alumno de César Vallejo.

Hizo incursiones en el periodismo, en los diarios "El Norte" y "La Industria" de Trujillo.

Desde muy joven intervino en actividades políticas y en defensa de los indígenas y de las clases sociales más explotadas.

Fue uno de los más importantes representantes de la literatura indigenista americana.

En 1931 estuvo un ańo en la cárcel y posteriormente deportado a Chile, en 1934. En esta etapa se dedicó de lleno a la literatura y escribió páginas significativas de su literatura, obtuvo varios premios por sus novelas, otorgados por editoriales chilenas, por la editorial Farrar & Rinehart Company de EEUU y otros.

Vivió durante varios ańos en Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico y Cuba; y regresó en 1957 al Perú.

Después de su novela premiada, "El mundo es ancho y ajeno" (1941), no tuvo una gran producción, salvo algunos cuentos y relatos.

Fue miembro de la Academia peruana de la lengua en 1960 , y posteriormente Presidente de la Asociación Nacional de Escritores y Artistas.

Falleció en Lima en 1967.

Sus obras:

La serpiente del oro (1925)

Los perros hambrientos (1938)

El mundo es ancho y ajeno (1941)

Duelo de caballeros (196

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