Ingeborg Earls Mother Finnsdotter
Grevinna på Orkney och Caithness, sedan drottning i Skottland.
Finn Arnesson (1005 - 1062)
Thorborg Halvdansdotter (1016 - 1060)
1032 Norge, Tröndelagen, Östråt 1)
1069 Skottland, Alnwick Castle 2)
Familj med: Torfinn den Mäktige of Orkney (1009 - 1065)
1049 2)
1. Pål of Orkney (1049 - 1099)
2. Erling of Orkney (1050 - 1098), earl (greve) of Orkney, Skottland 1064-1098.
Familj med: Malcolm III Caennmor of Skottland, (1031 - 1093), kung i Skottland 1058-1093.
1066 3)
3. Duncan II Mac of Skottland (1064 - 1094), kung i Skottland 1064-1094.
4. Malcolm Mac of Skottland (1066 - )
5. Donald Mac of Skottland (1067 - 1085)
Finnsdottir, Ingibiorg Earls Mother Died: BEF 1070. Father: Arnasson, Finn, Jarl of Halland. Mother: Halfdansdottir, Bergliot (Thorborg). Married BEF 1038 to Sigurdsdon, Thorfinn the Black of Orkney, Jarl of Orkney. Child 1: Thorfinnson, Paul I of Orkney, Earl of Orkney. Child 2: Thorfinnsson, Erlend II, Earl of Orkney. Married ABT 1066 to Malcolm III Caennmor of Scotland, King of Scotland. Child 3: Duncan II of Scotland, King of Scotland, b. ABT 1060. Child 4: Malcolm. Child 5: Donald. (Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England)
The strife between Thorfinn and Malcolm no doubt continued till the death of the former (1064), when his widow Ingebjorg, the mother of his two young sons and successors Paul and Erlend, married Malcolm, which evidently indicates that a peace must have been concluded. That the young earls continued to keep the Sudreys, seems therefore most likely ; this, at least, is the most natural way to account for the appearance of Godred Crowan, as we learn hereafter, in the Norwegian army at Stamfordbridge. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys, notes 1-2)
Thorfinn, when a mere child, had been placed by him over Sutherland and Caithness: In 1030, on the death of his half brother, Brusi, he annexed the Orkneys to his dominions. He is described as stout and strong, but very ugly; severe, and cruel, but a very clever man. Duncan I, who reigned from AD. 1034-1040, attempted to deprive him of his earldom, but was himself defeated, amid his defeat was followed by his assassination in the smith's bothy, near Elgin, at the hands of Macbeth, who succeeded him, and reigned from 1040-58. Thorfinn is said to have held a large Riki in Ireland, and to have extended his kingdom from Thinrso Shcerry to Dublin, and to have exacted tribute and assumed the prerogatives of the earlier kings of Dublin. He died about 1064. His sons were at the battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066, and escaping from the slaughter, led a peaceful and inglorious existence as joint jarls in their northern home. Ingebiorge, the widow of Thiorfinn, married Malcolm III, who reigned from 1058-93. -Robertson, i. 98, 127, and 161-2. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys, notes 1-2, fotnot 53)
Medivel Scandinavia
Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England
Karta över Skottland och Orkneyöarna.
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© Forskning av: Björn Espell, Frösön, Jämtland. Uppdaterad 2009-11-14.