Fjärdningsman Hemmansägare 28. Johan Olofsson * 1847-05-30, Alanäset, Alanäs, Jämtland (Z) † 1922-06-04, Alanäset, Alanäs, Jämtland (Z) H: Johan Olofsson was a torpare (cotter, tenant farmer), hemmansägare (freehold farmer). A hemmansägare is synonymous with a farmer if the person also owned a farm (hemman=jord- eller skogsbruksfastighet), but a hemmansägare could own a hemman without using it for productive purposes (e.g. cultivation the soil, logging, etc.), in contrast to a farmer. If the person rented (arrenderade) a farm, he or she was called arrendator or landbonde, who could be part owners (delägare) of a hemman. The term hemmansägare became common first in the early 1900s. In addition, Johan Olofsson was a fjärdingsman. The fjärdingsman was a kind of policeman in the countryside who was an assistant to the länsman (roughly, district constable who steered the real policy work in his jurisdiction and, for example assisted the befallningsman [governor] in collecting taxes, served under the kronofogde [sheriff/enforcement commissioner], and functioned as a kind of general prosecutor at the häradstingen [the district courts]. In the 1700s the länsman became a salaried civil service position). In 1954, the fjärdingsman title was replaced by police constable and disappeared entirely in the 1960s when the police corps became fully integrated into the state. S: Birger Källberg (1981) Alanäs Socken, Part 1–2 (Havsnäs Bygdeförening); Bodil Westberg, 2003; Rune Palm, 2003; Folkräkningen 1890 (Lena Thelin, |