Elsa Wree
Blev 51 år.
Född: | | 1698-11-26 Stockholms Domkyrkoförsamling, Nicolai, Stockholm | | * 1698-11-26, Stockholms Domkyrkoförsamling, Nicolai, Stockholm (AB) † 1750-06-04, Heliga Trefaldighet, Gävle, Gävleborg (X) |
Död: | | 1750-06-04 Heliga Trefaldighet, Gävle, Gävleborg | | |
Familj med Erik Wandel (Wandell) (- 1729)
Noteringar |
911. Elsa Wree (Wre, Wré) * 1698-11-26, Stockholms Domkyrkoförsamling, Nicolai, Stockholm (AB) † 1750-06-04, Heliga Trefaldighet, Gävle, Gävleborg (X) W: 1718-09-04, Stockholms Domkyrkoförsamling (AB) C: Sven Wandel (*1718, approximately, Stockholms Domkyrkoförsamling, Nicolai, AB?); Maria Christina Wandel (*1722, approximately, Stockholms Domkyrkoförsamling, Nicolai, AB?, †1777, approximately, Borgsjö, Y); Elsa Juliana Wandel (?1726-12-24, Gävle Heliga Trefaldighet, X, †1801-06-25); Carl Erich Wandel (?1728-04-30, †1728-11-10, Gävle Heliga Trefaldighet, X). H: Elsa Wree and Erik Wandel got married in 1718-09-04. There should be a bröllopsvers (wedding verse) available at Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm from their wedding (S: Olof Cronberg, 2004). As a widow in Gävle Heliga Trefaldighet with two small children, Elsa Wree remarried Daniel Wilck in 1730-08-23 in Gävle Heliga Trefaldighet (X). Daniel Wilck was born around 1698. He came to Gävle in around 1727 as a handelsman (tradesman) and representative for the firm Jacob & Giehl, from the village Suvino (Swinousje) at Usedom in Pomerania, which at the time was under Swedish rule.128 He died in 1750-06-02 in Gävle (X) (S: Olof Cronberg, 2004; Nils Englund, 1930). The information about the births of the children Sven Wandel and Maria Christina Wandel, and the death of Elsa Juliana Wandel, come from Sehlberg-Selggren (S: Olof Cronberg, 2004). It is unclear where they were born, since there are no primary sources. The information about the children Elsa Juliana Wandel’s baptism, the birth and death of Carl Erich Wandel, and the wedding in 1730 between Elsa Wree and Daniel Wilck, come from Olof Cronberg (2004) and his examination of the church records for Gävle. At the baptism of one of Charlotta Wilck’s children, Elsa Wree’s and Daniel Wilck’s daughter, among the baptism witnesses were Daniel Wilck’s sister-in-law Brita Wre, which further strengthens the information about the family relationship between Wree and Wilck. Elsa Wree and Daniel Wilck had eight children: Daniel Wilck (?1730-09-27, Gävle Heliga Trefaldighet, X); Charlotta Wilck (?1731-11-26, Gävle Heliga Trefaldighet, X, †1814-05-03, Brostorp, Roslags-Bro, AB); Carl Johan Wilck (?1732-12- 30, Gävle Heliga Trefaldighet, X); Mathias Wilck (?1734-04-20, Gävle Heliga Trefaldighet, X); Anna Sophia Wilck (?1735-07-16, Gävle Heliga Trefaldighet, X); Brita Catharina Wilck (*1737-05-22, Gävle Heliga Trefaldighet, X); Maria Gustava Christina Wilck (*1738-09-23, Gävle Heliga Trefaldighet, X) (S: Olof Cronberg, 2004; Gävle church records); and Carl Isac Wilck (*1742, approximately) (S: Sehlberg-Selggren, Olof Cronberg, 2004). S: Olof Cronberg, 2004; Nils Englund (1930) Ur rådhuskrönikan: Bilder från 1700-talets Gefle, pp.67-69, 174 (Gävle) (Olof Cronberg, 2004); Gävle Stads historia, p.791 (1946) (Olof Cronberg, 2004); Erik Sehlberg & [Rektor] Selggren, Gefle och dess slägter (handskrift i två volymer, vars original producerades omkring mitten av 1800-talet, och som finns tillgänglig i Gävle Läroverks bibliotek, Kungliga Biblioteket, och på mikrokort hos SVAR) (Olof Cronberg, 2004); Ulla Nordenstam, 2003; Miriam Vesterlund, 2003 |