Ryttare Olof Olofsson Huss
Blev 66 år.
Född: | | 1705-03-20 Gålsjö bruk, Boteå, Ångermanland, Västernorrland |
Död: | | 1771-05-27 Lund, Brunflo, Jämtland |
Familj med Karin Persdotter (1691 - 1748)
Vigsel: | | 1725 Brunflo Jämtland |
Noteringar |
Ryttare Nr 60/62 Olof Olofsson Huss f 1705-03-20 , Gålsjö, Boteå sn. gift med Karin Persdotter(Larsdotter?) Rossbol Olof antas 25/11 1723 till kavallerikompaniet,Jämtlands Fältjägarregemente, Nr 60 Brunflo/ Bodal , byter 1729 till Nr 62 Brunflo/ Lund. Begär avsked 1759-04-24 p.g.a bräcklighet Källa Ulla Nordenstam 2003452. Olof Olofsson Huss * 1705-03-20, Gålsjö bruk, Boteå, Ångermanland, Västernorrland (Y) † 1771-05-27, Lund, Brunflo, Jämtland (Z) ‡ 1771-05-30, Brunflo, Jämtland (Z) H: Olof Olofsson Huss was a ryttare (cavalryman). He was accepted 1723- 11-25 to the cavalry regiment as a dragoon (no. 60), Jämtland’s riflemen regiment for Bodal, Brunflo, Jämtland (Z), and after 1729 he was a dragon (no. 62) for Lund, Brunflo (Z). A dragoon was formerly a mounted infantryman. They traveled on horseback to the battlefield but they fought as foot soldiers. As mounted infantry they were very mobile units. It happened that dragoons fought as cavalry in battles. However, this was a type of warfare they were not trained for and could end up in disaster. During the eighteenth century the dragoons were more and more used as cavalry and therefore also trained as cavalry. Eventually it was only the name that separated them from the light cavalry. During the nineteenth century dragoons was a term for heavy cavalry (Hans Högman, 2005). He remarried Lispeta Mårtensdotter in Brunflo (Z) 1748-11-13 and resigned in 1759-04-24 due to old age and frailness. S: Ulla Nordenstam, 2003-2004; Per Sundin, 2004 |