14580. Berendt (Berent) Ulrich † 1640 (approximately) C: Mattes Ulrich (†1661-06-03, Norrköping, Östergötland, E). H: The identity of Mattes Ulrich’s father is uncertain, but it has been suggested that his father probably was Berendt Ulrich, a handelsman (tradesman) in Norrköping, Östergötland (E), based on the last name, residence and profession (S: Olof Cronberg, 2004). Berendt Ulrich started his career in Östergötland as hertig (duke) Johan’s barberare or fältskär (barbersurgeon). In 1616 at the latest he settled down in Dalskvarteret in Norrköping where he lived until his death around 1640. Already when he served hertigen mäster Berendt had been engaged in commerce, for example with the city of Danzig. In the spring of 1628, he belonged to redarna (roughly, the shipowners) who had loaded supplies to be shipped for the Crown to Riga. Medredarna (his shipowning colleagues) were Anders Svensson, Anders Matsson, Peter Carstens and Lars Henriksson. All five of them were engaged in trading and belonged to stadens förmögnaste borgerliga skikt (roughly, the city’s wealthiest burgher citizens). Together with Louis De Geer, among others, Berent Ulrich had established a Nyenska kompaniet that would trade with Russia. They lobbied riksrådet (the royal court advisor) in order to receive economic support for this activity (S: Olof Cronberg, 2004, Björn Helmfrid & Salomon Kraft, 1973). S: Olof Cronberg, 2004; Björn Helmfrid & Salomon Kraft (1973) Norrköpings Historia III, 1655-1719 (Stockholm) |